Sunday, August 26, 2007

In a Nutshell...

Finally, I am back! Pardon me for not updating my blog as much as I have used to update in the past. Please forgive me!

The past couple of weeks have been terrible. I have been struggling with my examination papers in taking a professional license to start a business. Initially, I thought that the papers that I need to go through are rather easy but it is otherwise.

There were a total of 3 papers that I would need to go through. The first paper was rather easy to pass. The second, was relatively easy. However, the third, was the toughest above the first two. It was at the fifth attempt that I managed to pass my paper and now, I am contracted with the Company which I wanted to start my own business!

Of course, I have never forgotten about The One who made it possible for me to come till thus far. It sure did took me sometime to pass but from this, I learnt that I need to be patient and trust in Him. Surely, He allowed things to happen for a reason.

About 2-3 weeks ago, Rev. Dr. A R Bernard came to Church. The things which I remembered was that I was waken up by the message he preached. Of course, for that, I thank God for him. If it wasn't for the message preached, certain things would have slipped off my mind and I would get bitter with everyone. I would have had even blamed others but not blamed myself for the things that I have been going through.

During that period of time, I have been asking God, "How can I get back to the passion and love I had for Him when I was in Bible School back in 2003- 2004?". I am glad to hear my prayer answered!

In one of Rev. Dr. A R Bernard messages, he shared on Spiritual Disciplines which every believer should practice. Spiritual Disciplines like:
1. Prayer
2. Bibile Reading
3. Fasting
4. Attending Bible Study
5. Life Of Thanksgiving - This will fend against one being discontented with the things he/ she's been blessed with!
6. Solitude - Being apart from other people in order to spend quality time with God.
7. Discipline of Repentance
8. Forgiveness
9. Confession

Above all the mentioned, what hit me most was this statement:
"The level of success must always be supported with a close relationship with God. Our talents can bring us to a certain level of success BUT without Spiritual Discipline, there will not be strength in our soul to sustain the level of success our talents have brought us to. Therefore, if we were to have strength to sustain success, we ought to have strong prayer life and strong relationship with God!".

I dare not say that my relationship with God is strong nor can I dare say that I have a strong prayer life. However, I am looking forward to work on it so that I can be ambitious for God! I believe that whatever was preached for the past month is NOT an coincidence! It is a message from God, brought forth by various people to wake me up!

Calvin Chung, I know that you are weak and that you do want to please me. That alone, I AM pleased. My grace is sufficient for you and in you, I will complete what I have set forth to complete when I first thought of you before the foundations of the earth. Though you will go through many things and would be discouraged, just like the Potter moulding the clay, fashioning it to His Master art piece, I will also do the same with you. You will be my Master Piece, in whom, I am well pleased!

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